D%26d Stat Mods

Early access games on Steam have been a topic of debate. Majority of the early access titles died down during the development or developers stopped working on them completely. But luckily, there are a couple of developers that truly give their best to communicate with their community and develop the game based on the players’ response, creating a unique masterpiece on the way. Darkwood, Streets of Rogue, Slay the Spire, so on and so forth. Rimworld is on the list too, and it is really high up there. It currently sits on the 2nd place amongst all early access titles, with 20,000 reviews with %97 of them being positive, just below Factorio. Today, we will list some of the rimworld best mods.

Ludeon Studios’ sci-fi colony simulator has been a huge hit, with detailed, funny, unique gameplay that changes every time you play it, random events, crazy AI storytellers and much more. Given the love for the game and how simple it is to mod it, there are already tons of mods for the game for different desired outcomes. From the quality of life improvements to complete overhauls, there are a lot of mods.

Best RimWorld Mods

EdB Prepare Carefully

This best mod for rimworld lets you choose your starting colonists’ name, stats, traits, appearance, equipment, everything. It also lets you choose your starting pets and resources. You can limit what you can choose if you are adventurous, or remove the limit to try that starting squad you always wanted.

About Master the Dungeon's DnD Dice Roller. In our quest to continue to provide better resources to the Dungeons & Dragons community, we built our own dice roller that is free to use and has useful built in features for your game. This dice roller comes in direct response to the long abandoned ones offered by Wizards.While any old dice roller would do, we feel the DnD community should have. Six abilities provide a quick description of every creature’s physical and mental characteristics: Strength, measuring physical power Dexterity, measuring agility Constitution, measuring endurance Intelligence, measuring reasoning and memory Wisdom, measuring perception and insight Charisma, measuring force of personality Is a character muscle-bound and insightful?

Download EdB Prepare Carefully.

Glitter Tech

This mod for Rimworld extends upon the worlds that are mentioned in the game called “glitter worlds”. It gives you a lot more, highly-advanced end-game items such as high-tech energy weapons and armor, advanced bionic limbs and organs, advanced recipes and resources, powerful turrets and automatic mortars, wall lights, windows and blast doors and much more. It also adds a number of factions from these glitter worlds. But of course, these expensive technologies often catch the attention of big corporations, and given the fact that you’ll have really high-tech stuff, they are extremely powerful as well. With this, you’ll have richer end-game experience, with better end-game gear and more powerful end-game enemies.

Download Glitter Tech.



Except for kidnapping enemies, buying slaves and some random event here and there, you won’t see a lot of new faces in your colony in Rimworld. Except for reproduction of course, but that takes time. Ever wondered what you can do with those visitors that wander around your base? With Hospitality mod, you can build guest rooms and beds for visitor and can even convince them to join your colony. These visitors can even help you enhance your relationships with other factions if you take care of them.

Download Hospitality.

Less Arbitrary Surgery

RNG can be a devil in games. You have a sniper with %98 accuracy and %99 critical hit chance, and he manages to miss entirely. It is super cringy sometimes.

Rimworld uses a fair bit of RNG, but one of the most annoying areas can be surgery. Even the best colonists with high medicine skills can perform a “ridiculous” surgery failure and manage to completely annihilate your already-injured colonist. This Rim World mod reduces the RNG factor and makes surgeries less arbitrary (hence the name of the mod). If they fail the first time, it gives the surgeon a second chance to try again with non-lethal injuries. If they fail an implant, they will give you that body part back instead of completely deleting it. If your real life RNG is not that strong and you do not want to lose it during game’s surgeries, this mod is a good choice for your sanity.

Download Less Arbitrary Surgery.

Dubs Bad Hygiene

While Rimworld does a great job creating a realistic gameplay system with tons of details on skills, moods, character traits, resource management et cetera, it misses one odd yet obvious point: toilets and showers!

Yes, there are no toilets, sinks and showers in the vanilla game. There is a reason for this, since adding a new mechanic without changing other activity times will make the harder by making a day shorter, since your colonists will ned 1 hour to shower, pee etc. So using this Best Rimworld mod will give a lot more trouble, but if you are after that true realism, this mod adds a lot of hygiene options.

Download Dubs Bad Hygiene.

Realistic Rooms

While your colonists’ needs, complaints and traits make the game more fun, some of their unrealistic and outright annoying needs can become tedious sometimes. Such as how they want big bedrooms for their certain needs. We are trying to survive in a random planet here, not going on a holiday.

Realistic Rooms reduces the required room sizes to better match realistic sizes of a house which makes things more manageable.

Download Realistic Rooms.

Hand Me That Brick

Do not get fooled by the funny name of this mod. It actually fixes a small-yet-serious problem about the building mechanism of the game. Normally, your builder both carries the resources and build the thing. With this mod, you can make Haulers deliver resources to blueprints and construction frames, making building much less tiring experience for your builders.

Download Hand Me That Brick.


We talked about a lot of mods, mainly the more essential ones; but whether you downloaded overhauls or quality of life improvements for the game, not all of them are compatible and changing between them manually can be tiring or sometimes completely crash your saves. A mod switcher comes very hand in this situation. ModSwitch allows you to restore a saved list of mods, save the current list of active mods and load a ModSet from a savegame and much more.

Download ModSwitch.

Colony Manager

In a colony sim like Rimworld, the more time you spend, the bigger your colony becomes. Sure, you start with a couple of people but that changes drastically, fast. Manually controlling literally hundreds of people, animals and mechanics can be overwhelming. Colony Manager adds hunting, forestry and livestock jobs and lets you set certain target values for those workers, leaving you unworried about manually hunting, designating a lumber and taming/butchering your livestock. Plus, you can set certain colonists as managers, and they can assign new jobs and check if the assigned designations are still up-to-date, and make changes or delete designations where required. They do not touch manually set designations, so you are still the boss, do not worry. Since it adds new jobs, it requires a new save.

Download Colony Manager.

D&d Stat Mods Free

Defensive Positions

Defending your base is an important part of the game. Afterall, you spent hours building it and now raiders are coming to get it. If you have a lot of colonists, this can be a bit tedious. You have to place them one by one tactically for maximum efficiency. With Defensive Positions, your colonists will remember their position during a base defense. You can send them to their positions with a single click. You can also designate keys to quickly create and select groups of colonists. You can save up to 4 defensive positions so if your base has multiple entrances or you have to fall back during a defense.

Download Defensive Positions.

Combat Extended Mod: Fastrack Edition

The combat extended mod is an extension of the prevailing combat mod that adds more detail to the combat edition and also allow access to third-party mods to add more elements to the game. The biggest advantage of this mod is you can add frequent ammo to your inventory and help you finish more of your quests. The Fastrack edition of the combat pack is one of the most used mod by the gaming community of Rimsworld.

Download Combat Extended Mod: Fastrack Edition.

Star Wars: Lightsaber Mod

The mod packs all the features that made star wars a loved franchise. The classic Lightsaber mod is a well-known characteristic that binds the emotion of the Star Wars franchise and the same can be added to the characters of Rimworld. You can make your characters to hold lightsabers and deflect bullets with this mod. These sabers are fully customized with SFX that would help you to load crystals and use them to defend your character from bullets.

Download Star Wars: Lightsaber Mod.

Save Our Ship 2.0 Mod

This mod will give you a good gameplay experience if you are into galaxies and space stuff. The mod theme is all about galactic space where you can build an orbital fortress and also set an atmosphere where you can explore more of ancient ruins that are in and around space. With this mod, you can also travel between various rimworlds using a basic ship. The added advantage of the basic ship is you are free from raids, there you can store small amounts of loots. You can convert this basic ship into a more full-fledged ship by which you can use this as a launchpad to enable quests. It is more of a portal to help you travel between spaces in the rimworld.

Download Save Our Ship 2.0 Mod.

14. Tangle Weed Mod

The Tangleweed vine is one of the most difficult plants to grow but once grown fully it has a lot of potentials. You can plant the tangle weed around your colony and use it as a defense parameter. With this mod, you can grow the tangle weed around your colony to slow down the enemies that try to approach your colony and also prevent them from getting very close and destroying your assets.

Download Tangle Weed Mod.


While a lot of mods are created and are still being created for this masterpiece, we decided that these 14 best mods for Rimworld will help you the most when you are just starting to mod. Now get to modding and start enjoying one of the most fun colony simulators ever made!

Check out some Free Games like Rimworld

Content of the article: 'My party is about to die and I feel responsible (and horrible)'

D 26d stat mods 1.7.10

Party consists of:

– 8 Paladin

– 7 Warlock

– 6 Sorcerer

– 6 Mage

So a bit of context (been playing for months with this party): Party has arrived in an underground city, with plenty of characters, side stories and factions to interact with on the backdrop of a foreign invasion and the existencial threat of the Wild Hunt.

NPC asks party to scare off some thugs from an abandoned neighborhood (hinting at the use of summon lesser demons as a good solution to scare them off for good), to make way for the construction of their new secret base. Mage decides to summon weak demons that explode upon death. Some of the bandits pop them and one of them is killed (not what the NPC wanted but it isn't the end of the world).

Later Sorcerer (playing a faithful 6 INT 6 WIS character) talks to the local clerics and unintentionally hints at knowing more than he is saying about the recent demonic incursions. After a friendly 'arrest' they let him go after he almost kills himself trying to prove that he is blessed by a goddess (Divine soul), and thus to be trusted.

Later the party goes to talk with the local lord and on their way out stumble upon the chief cleric of the city who wants to interrogate the entire group under a Zone of truth. Players manage to weasel their way out of responsibilities by a technicallity and are let go for now but keeping a close eye.

Secret society takes notice of the party's notoriety, and sends a sexy lady to make contact with them while they are exploring the mines (and finding an entrance to the underdark). The lady offers a deal to Mage and Warlock in exchange for a lot of money, arcane secrets and an invitation to their secret society. They have to destroy the city temple and all the clerics inside.

Players go along with it but in the end confess to the clerics, make an alliance with them, fake an attack at the temple and lay an ambush to the lady.

Turns out the lady was a vampire and offers them her blood, Mage takes the offer but Warlock doesn't. Warlock manages to barely escape alive and reunite with the rest of the party.

Now the party had taken refuge at the temple and the clerics insisted that they should all stay there to protect the temple (and to have what I thought would be a cool fight), with the Mage being 'charmed by the blood' to do his master's bidding and save both their heads by silencing everyone that knows of the existence of the vampires in the city.

Sides consists of:

TEMPLE TEAM: 8 Paladin + Elk Mount, 7 Warlock, 6 Sorcerer

+ One 5th level Cleric + Five 3rd level Clerics + One 1rst level Cleric (- 5 1st level cure wounds to heal the warlock back to full hp) + 4 Guards ( 18 AC)

VAMPIRE TEAM: 6 Mage (with very high CON and AC)

+ 10 Bandits (with oil flasks and torches to burn the temple) + 2 Thugs (17 AC) + 1 Bandit Captain (17 AC, Max HP, and a warlock level) + 1 Guard (18 AC, Max HP) + Alp vampire (https://www.google.com/search?q=d%26d+alp+stats&safe=off&sxsrf=ALeKk01NY1pWT4poypCSZokpZRP9qtbOmg:1602972059720&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiN_NCh0LzsAhVD9IUKHeSGDKEQ_AUoAXoECAUQAw&biw=1745&bih=852#imgrc=tJIvX_bxWww3MM)

The ally NPC's strategies were also good: Topping everyone's Max HP off with Aid, the Chief Cleric using Warding Bond on the Sorcerer, giving away Shield of Faith and healing people off.

– My expectations for the fight were that it was going to be a tough one but after killing the vampiress (the Warlock came VERY close to killing her in his last encounter by himself), the Mage would come to his senses and the fight would be over.

Basically the fight started off very good for them but there were a few things which completely derailed the encounter and turned into an impending TPK.

– The Mage used (with my personal blesing) Haste on the vampire, making her a blending machine with 6 attacks per turn, that combined with the Elusive trait that she has (giving disadvantage to everyone that attacks her), becomes an absolute beast.

– The Mage player excellent knowledge of the game, using very well positioned Fireball and using Magic missile to disrupt concentration spells, and using Shatter to kill the Paladin's mount before it had a chance to use the Mounted combatant feat.

– The Warlock summons (Both Accursed Specter and a Ghost 'Summon Greater demon' reskin) lasting almost nothing (in part because of the player) and only managing to kill a wounded thug.

– The use of dynamic initiave (we roll every round using the Fantasy Grounds platform), the dice seemed to always favor the enemy (after a mass healing word to bring back the paladin next turn the Mage just casted magic missile to bring her down once more).

– At the last rounds I rolled like 5 or 6 CRITS almost in succession.

But the PC's weren't on their best either:

– Failing to deal with the Mobs meant that they recieved more attacks and the NPC's were busy dealing with them instead of asisting them.

– The Paladin ran off to face the Mage in melee (without her mount), leaving her isolated and exposed (lasting like 3 rounds of combat)

– The Sorcerer basically losing two turns when throwing a 3rd level Catapult at the very DEXy and Hasted Vampire (which results in no damage) and later him using Hold Person, which she fails (I am thinking that this was the windfall they needed to turn this around) but before they can breathe a sigh of relief the Mage player correctly points out that undead are unaffected by the Hold Person spell and as such he loses the turn.

– A lack of coordination which could have really brought the hurt to the main enemy the vampire, instead leaving her almost intact (because of bite attack and regeneration).

Aftermath after 10 rounds of fighting:

TEMPLE TEAM: 8 Paladin (16 HP having risen with what may or may not have been a fudged roll on my part)

+ One 1st Level cleric (no spells)

VAMPIRE TEAM: 6 Mage (42 HP left and two 1st level spells

+ Alp vampire (full health + 5 rounds of Hasted) + 2 Bandits + 1 Guard

With the Paladin miracously being currently hidden in the same building as the Vampiress (and being her turn with some Smites and spells left).

(But there is no way in hell they can win this, escape or even negotitate with someone who wants to specifically silence them for good…)

Now I find myself in a difficult and uncomfortable situation:

I am never one to shy away from conflict, death or tragic endings… but to me this feels wrong (like an RKO out of nowhere with almost zero context to the TPK). Not to mention all the work and care that went into preparing the current plotlines and future ones (enough for months of play), which now would be wasted or have no real meaning or attachments to a new set of characters…

I would honestly want to take a break after a TPK to rethink the entire game (if I ever find the will to build a new campaign over the bones of the old one).

So I thought of a few things to help remedy the situation, but only a couple of them resonate with me:

– Deus ex machina: There was a powerful and 'friendly' NPC who has a history with the party's Paladin, a Powerful Paladin from a foreign nation waiting by a nearby dilapidated tavern (the PC's could have stumbled upon him if they checked on the construction of their secret base).

Context: He also has heard rumors of demonic presence in the district and after hearing a massive explosion and seeing the flames consuming the temple in the distance he might be interested in cheking things out. He does have a mount (Find steed) and could have been dashing towards it during the minute of fighting.

Resolution: He comes in and is spotted by the remaining mobs, who under orders of leave no witnesses alive shoot him initiating combat. He and the 8 Paladin could manage to deal enough damage to the Vampire to kill her (as well as the NPC paladin being able to heal 40 HP with Lay on Hands).

(After consulting it with a confidant (Paladin player) she says that even though it can be explained, it still feels like a cop out and after having had some really bad experiences in an Anima type game where all the godawm time God-tier NPC's saved our butts at the last second and we were always like 'Why the fuck don't you deal with the BBEG then you asshole ?!' But I believe the context and result to be completly different).

– Reload the save file: This is an unorthodox solution which would involve me opening up to them about what happened and my opinions on the matter, and then throw a vote asking them if they wanted to 'reload the save file', and redo the fight from the beginning (hopefully having learned a thing or two).

What do you guys think I should do, and have you ever found yourselfs in a similar situation ?

Source: reddit.com

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D 26d Stat Mods 1.7.10

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